Harness the power of data

Teradata Friends Party Again

И снова, похоже, что можно встретиться со старыми добрыми друзьями. Предлагаю, как обычно, коллективно определить даты и формат встречи. Заполнить свои предпочтения можно по этой ссылке. Приношу свои извинения, если вдруг случайно кого-то не внесли. Просьба не стесняться и добавить себя самостоятельно и активно делиться ссылкой. На этот раз попробуем собаться в двух странах в Беларуси и Польше.

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First IntelliFlex in Belarus

In March 2019, the first IntelliFlex complex arrived to Belarus. And this is really impressive. IntelliFlex is currently the most powerful Teradata platform. More details of IntelliFlex benefits can be found on the Teradata website, where the platform has a whole separate section. Hybrid storage on SSD, InfiniBand, new BYNET, flexible scalability – many factors influenced the decision to switch to IntelliFlex. We took into account the current workload of the complex and the planned growth of our needs. So…

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Stages of maturity of Enterprise Data Warehouse

Each Analytical System must constantly evolve, bringing more and more benefits to its owners and users. There are plenty of evidence of how smart decisions could be achieved only with the help of smart analytics. We are completely convinced that literally any lost minute of not taking next steps in data-driven directions is a loss of great opportunity for companies in the modern world! Below you could see a concise material about our vision on the field of developing of…

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